City as Lab
City as Lab (CaL) is founded with the belief that every student’s voice is important!
CaL provides a platform for school children to conduct original and authentic inquiry projects about the cities they live in.
CaL in Numbers





Types of Projects
Students may choose to work on one of the following types of projects for this year.

Story Project
Chronicles of Unconventional Careers.
The cliché goes that in India, everyone wants their child to become an engineer, lawyer, CA or doctor. Yet, our cities are filled with people who engage in unusual or unconventional professions, or perhaps professions we don’t know much about! For this year’s story project, you will tell the stories of three such people. You may select professions from the list given below ONLY.

Research Project
Students ask an original question, collect data and offer insights through a written paper. Selected groups present their papers at the next CaL conference in 2024-25. This is a great project for science or social studies teachers to mentor.

Coding Project
Student create a unique app that is useful during these unprecedented times. Students select a specific end-user for the app, define the problem, design and pilot the app, and create a “pitch” video as their final product. This is a great project for technology / coding teachers to mentor.

Maker Project
In this project, students design a working prototype solution for a relevant problem being faced by their city/community. The problem being addressed has to be related to United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities” The prototype must be tested before submitting the final product.

Service Project
Students set up and run a service project to support a disenfranchised group of people in their community.

Photography Project
The Theme for 2024-25 is Through the Lens of Time.
In this project, students use photography to capture what is unique about their city. Using any type of camera, students understand the given theme around which they take a series of photographs: history, culture, food, people, lifestyles, stereotypes, crises, public works and services, architecture, diversity, etc. Students go through a meticulous process of collaboratively narrowing down what they want to shoot, planning for and taking photographs, developing criteria to choose and submit their final seven photos along with a write-up as per CaL guidelines. Selected photos may be published by City as Lab on our website, exhibited during the CaL conference or in another public space.
June 2nd
Early Bird Registration
July 10th
Registration Deadline
August 15st
Driving Question Approval
September 15th
Design Plan Approval
November 10th
First Draft of Product/Project
December 10th
Final Product Submission
CaL Journey
CaL Partners: Past and Present